For this second podcast of 2021, Paul & Heidi share a vision for the coming year—that we will all immerse ourselves in the powerful, life-giving, mind-renewing Scriptures. The Book of Brilliant Things.
Their talk is interspersed with a special soaking set that you can lie down to, to receive more of the love of your heavenly Father, and to prepare the soil of your heart to receive the word.
Also for you, a special 6-minute truth bomb from Heidi on keeping our speech seasoned with the salt of truth, but especially highly-laden with grace. We may not get this right all the time, but we can always start again!
Watch here:
Again, there is no worship playlist for this week because of the soaking set in the main podcast, which will be online at and your regular podcast provider by 5 pm today.
Let us all let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in 2021 so that we can be people of the burning hearts!